Having successfully run virtual events for most of 2020 and early 2021, from September, we were delighted to be back meeting face to face, and to arranging events in real life rather than over Zoom!
Thursday 28 October, 9.30pm: We joined a brilliant river cruise to enjoy a guided view of the nine bridges which are beautifully lit as part of the Illuminated River Project. “Its subtly moving sequences of LED light symbolically unify the Thames bridges, drawing inspiration from the spirit and history of the river and from the architectural and engineering heritage of its bridges.” This was a follow-up to an excellent talk from Sarah Gaventa about the project in February this year.
Friday 22 October, 7pm: Seventeen of us are attending The Art of Banksy exhibition in Covent Garden.
Wednesday 29 September, 9.30pm: What a privilege to witness the unique Ceremony of the Keys at the Tower of London, and we had a marvellous guide in the Chief Yeoman Warder, who had us in stitches with his tales from the Tower. No photos for this outing, sadly – not allowed!
Friday 24 September, 6pm: Fourteen members joined Alison for a gentle walk to view the beautiful floral arrangements forming part of Chelsea in Bloom. This year’s theme was Extraordinary Voyages, taking inspiration from Around the World in 80 Days.
Saturday 24 July, 11am: A small group of us visited the British Library for their excellent exhibition, Unfinished Business: The Fight for Women’s Rights, and coffee afterwards.
Thursday 15 July, 7pm: A workshop to learn about, and try, EFT – Emotional Freedom Tapping, with Lana Walker of Body & Mind Holistics.
Tuesday 15 June, 7pm: We welcomed John Lane, author, who gave us an interesting illustrated talk on The Magic and Mysteries of the Andes.
Saturday 8 May, 11am: ‘Sew-along’ – making lavender bags with Alison.
Wednesday 21 April, 7pm: Scam Awareness Talk with Sally Schofield, a Community Banker for Natwest Bank, who, in an impartial and informative presentation written in conjunction with the Friends Against Scams initiative through Trading Standards, aims to raise the awareness of scams and how not to fall victim. The presentation includes some top tips and hints about how to stay safe.
Tuesday 23 March, 7pm: Watercolour class with Somerset based artist, Amanda Bee.
Monday 8 February, 7pm: Virtual London walk, ‘Women of World War I‘ with Fiona Jane Weston.
Tuesday 19 January, 7pm: Fermentation class with natural chef, Nena Foster. Live from Nena’s kitchen – cook-along or just watch and learn how to make Chili & Lime Tepache and Beetroot & Apple Kvass.