Next meeting
Our next meeting is at 7.30 pm on Monday 3 March 2025. Singing is good for the soul! Zara McFarlane is a MOBO award winning jazz vocalist and vocal coach from London.She will be leading a 'Sing for Self' Workshop, which has been designed for female non singers and beginners to develop presentation skills, communication skills, self-confidence and self-expression through the art of singing.
If you are interested in joining, please email Anne, our membership secretary at membersfcwi@gmail.com and we will send you details. Attendance to your first meeting is free and thereafter we request a donation of £5.00 to help cover costs at your next two meetings, until you decide to become a member. Membership to the WI for 2024 is £48 a year. Renewals are due annually in April. Members receive a monthly email newsletter, the WI Life magazine, attendance at 12 meetings a year and discounts and special offers. Give it a go!
We're #GettingSocial!
You can find us on:
- Facebook: Fulham & Chelsea WI
- Instagram: fulham_and_chelsea_wi
Contact us
If you would like to become an FCWI member, please email Anne at membersfcwi@gmail.com
If you would like to speak at one of our meetings please email speakersfcwi@gmail.com
Author Archives: admin
June meeting – Monday 2, June 2014
We are very excited to announce that our speaker will be Judge Barbara Mensah. She sits on Luton Crown Court and became the first circuit judge of African origin when she was appointed to the South Eastern circuit in December … Continue reading
May meeting – Monday 12, May 2014
Record of meeting held at: The Hollywood Arms Monday the 13th of May Matters arising were: Votes on the Resolution for the 2014 AGM: The WI AGM is taking place in Leeds on Saturday, 7 June 2013. Anna and Toto will … Continue reading
Greys Court & Lady Brunner Event – Thursday, 31 July 2014
Lady Elizabeth Brunner came from a famous theatrical family, she was granddaughter of Henry Irving and acted as a young woman. She married Sir Felix Brunner in 1937 and moved to live at Greys Court (now owned by the National Trust) near … Continue reading
Food and Flowers with Jo Pratt and Anna Steven – Friday, 18 July 2014
Tutor(s): Jo Pratt Anna Steven Book yourself on this lovely day event where you will be treated to a morning demonstration on the theme of Jo Pratt’s ‘Madhouse Cookbook’ featuring home cooked food that’s tasty and stress free. All of the dishes have … Continue reading
April meeting – Monday, 7 April 2014
If you are in the mood to get baking, the next meeting of the Silver Club takes place this Tuesday, 1 April during the day at our ‘home’ – The Hollywood Arms, 45 Hollywood Road, Chelsea, London, SW10 9HX. Having helped to set … Continue reading