July meeting

After the excitement of last month’s pub quiz, we have TWO wonderful speakers  this month.

First of all we have Michael Stephen Fuchs talking about publishing via the e-book industry.

Michael is co-author, with Glynn James, of the bestselling ARISEN series of spec-ops zombie-apocalypse dark action thrillers, and also wrote the bestselling prequel ARISEN : GENESIS. He is author of the D-BOYS series of high-concept, high-tech special-operations military adventure novels, which include D-BOYS, COUNTER-ASSAULT, and CLOSE QUARTERS BATTLE (coming later in 2013); as well as the acclaimed existential cyberthrillers THE MANUSCRIPT and PANDORA’S SISTERS, both published worldwide by Macmillan in hardback, paperback and all e-book formats (and in translation). He lives in London and at www.michaelstephenfuchs.com, and blogs at www.michaelfuchs.org/razorsedge.

We are also lucky to have Simon Lawson from Fulham Good Neighbours (http://www.fulhamgoodneighbours.org/).   This wonderful charity is working towards a community where neighbours look out for each other and offer help when it’s needed. Their aims are:

·         To enable elderly, disabled and vulnerable people to live independently and to contribute to society

·         To help overcome isolation and loneliness

·         To be at the heart of the local community

Simon will give us an insight into the work Fulham Good Neighbours carry out and the difference they make in the lives of people they help.

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